Published August, 2016

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and HIV-Affected Hate Violence in 2015, National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs (2016)

This report by the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs (NCAVP) studies the high number of hate crimes committed in 2015 against LGBTQ individuals and PLWH in the United States. The authors examine these crimes against the backdrop of LGBTQ issues in public policy, noting that events in 2015 presented something of a contradiction— although Obergefell v. Hodges legalized same-sex marriage and LGBTQ issues gained more visibility, so-called “bathroom bills” and “religious freedom laws” also gained traction.

The research on LGBTQ and HIV-affected hate violence is well-documented, breaking down where individuals are most likely to experience violence; which communities are particularly at risk; and how to best craft programs, policies, and initiatives to combat hate violence. The report analyzes the experiences of 1,253 survivors of hate violence; twenty-four hate violence homicides of LGBTQ and HIV-affected people were received by NCAVP in 2015, a 20% increase in the number of reports from 2014. The report also provides local summaries for a number of major metropolitan areas, providing regional data and alerting LQBTQ individuals and PLWH to resources in their area. 

The accompanying Hate Violence Report Toolkit focuses on “journalists, community organizers, educators, policy-makers, LGBTQ organizations and mainstream anti-violence organizations, students, and anyone who wants to take a stand against LGBTQ and HIV-affected hate violence.” It adds shareable graphics, ready-made tweets with hashtags, and guiding questions suggested for use in Twitter Town Halls.