CHLP’s submitted comments address the necessity of guaranteeing a person’s right to give informed consent as to any portion of their medical care, and that the impact of these changes may be to further drive a wedge between communities that are vulnerable to HIV and the medical care system.
CHLP is releasing two resources this World AIDS Day focused on both explaining the issues related to Molecular HIV Surveillance and providing a policy path to protect data privacy as a means to improve access to healthcare.
CHLP, the National Viral Hepatitis Roundtable (NVHR), and the Capitol Area Reentry Program worked with CHLPI on public comments on The State of Louisiana Section 1115 Waiver Application to The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
On September 12, 2024, the Women's Research Initiative (WRI) published an issue brief reporting on The Well Project’s 2024 Women’s Research Initiative on HIV/AIDS Meeting (March 21-24, 2024).
CHLP announces publication of Aging & HIV legal primer exploring the legal issues facing People Living and Aging with HIV (PLAHIV). Authored by CHLP Staff Attorney Kae Greenberg, the primer addresses the issues facing the rapidly expanding population of older Americans living with HIV.