Published August, 2012

Identification, Surveillance, and Administration of Personnel Infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Army Regulation 600-110, Department of the Army (2012)

This Department of the Army regulation from 2012 sets forth policies and responsibilities regarding HIV testing and surveillance requirements; procedures for the identification, surveillance, and administration of personnel infected with HIV; testing and counseling procedures, requirements for testing military applicants, guidance on the use of testing information, information and education requirements of HIV testing program; and guidance to law enforcement and corrections personnel in handling known or suspected HIV-positive personnel. This version of the regulation includes major revisions including: new policies and procedures pertaining to the Installation Level HIV Program management, changes in technical terminology to reflect current usage, updates on policy and procedures, and administrative changes.

The regulation outlines the assignment and personnel actions taken against HIV-positive soldiers. Some of these actions include: ineligibility to perform official duties overseas; disenrollment from military-sponsored education programs; and, in some cases, involuntary release from active duty upon confirmation of HIV infection. The regulation also establishes an HIV information and education plan for soldiers, commanders, health care workers, HIV program staff and community groups. The U.S. Army Public Health Command is responsible for developing standardized training and education programs based on current CDC guidelines and adult learning principles. The programs will incorporate basic HIV and/or AIDS instruction including: prevention, risk, methods of transmission, and Army requirements for HIV testing. In addition to further education, the regulation prescribes policies and procedures for Army law enforcement and security personnel to prevent duty-related exposure, as well as protect the rights of prisoners.

This regulation is applicable to the Active Army personnel, the Army National Guard, the U.S. Army Reserve, candidates and applicants, Department of the Army civilian employees, nonappropriated fund employees, and military health care beneficiaries.