Published June, 2013

Attitudes About and HIV Risk Related to the Most Common Places MSM Meet Their Sex Partners: Comparing Men From Bathhouses, Bars/Clubs, and Craigslist.Org, Christian Grov and Thomas Crow, AIDS Education and Prevention (2012)

This study examines the attitudes of men who have sex with men (MSM) in New York City towards the most common venues in which they recently sought sex partners, as well as how these venues relate to their sociodemographic and behavioral characteristics. Using data collected in bars and clubs, bathhouses, and, researchers found several distinctions between the populations that favored each venue. MSM who tended to frequent bathhouses found it more difficult to discuss HIV status with partners compared to those frequenting other venues. Those most commonly seeking sex partners at bars or clubs reported the highest incidence of recent drug use, and were more likely to report sex under the influence of alcohol and drugs. Researchers suggested strategies for providers who conduct venue-based outreach based on these results, including focusing on consistent and correct condom usage in bathhouses and the connection between substances and sexual behavior in bars and clubs. They also advocated for expanded venue-based research, acknowledging the geographical limitations of this study.