Webinar: RISE to the Challenge: Advocating for Responsible, Inclusive Sex Education (2020)

On Tuesday, April 21, the Equality Federation hosted a Legislative Action Center webinar, RISE to the Challenge: Advocating for Responsible, Inclusive Sex Education. Jake Schneider and Amir Sadeghi represented CHLP, joining presenters from SHYAC member organizations SIECUS and Black & Pink.
Youth experiencing homelessness or out-of-home placement face challenges accessing comprehensive and affirming reproductive health education and services. These youth, many of whom identify as LGBTQ+ and/or youth of color, due to systems gaps are more likely to contract HIV and STIs, experience sexual violence, participate in substance use, and experience suicidal ideation. How can we best focus our advocacy efforts to best serve the needs of youth? Advocates from the Sexual Health Youth Advocacy Coalition (SHYAC), formed in 2018, talked about how to advocate for access to comprehensive sexual health education, information, and care.
- David Booth, Deputy Executive Director for Black & Pink, Inc.
- Jennifer Driver, Vice President of Policy & Strategic Partnerships for SIECUS: Sex Ed for Social Change
- Amir Sadeghi, National Community Outreach Coordinator for the Center for HIV Law & Policy
- Jake Schneider, Staff Attorney for the Center for HIV Law & Policy
Click here to view the webinar online.