Published October, 2015

Testimony Before the New York City Council on Student Health Services, Comprehensive Health Education, and Sexual Health Educational Training (2015)

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CHLP staffer Pepis Rodriguez, testifying before New York City Council committees considering bills on student health services and sexual health education in schools, called for a resolution supporting written guarantees of LGBTQ-inclusive sexual and reproductive health and literacy services for youth in out of home care.

While supporting the Committees’ efforts to ensure transparency in the areas of “Student Health Services”, “Comprehensive Health Education”, and “Sexual Health Educational Training", CHLP urged the Committees to expand these efforts to benefit all young people, particularly LGBTQ, system-involved youth. CHLP's testimony emphasized that increasing young people’s sexual health knowledge and ensuring access to sexual health services and programming are critical prevention strategies that can help stop sexual violence and promote healthy sexual attitudes and behaviors.