Published March, 2015

Planet AIDS Issue 1: HIV and Criminalization, Interactive Maps, AIDS-Free World (2012)

Planet AIDS Report Cover

Planet AIDS is a project of AIDS-Free World, an international advocacy organization committed to speaking up for and with people affected by HIV. Issue 1 of Planet AIDS is a collection of four interactive maps dealing with HIV criminalization.



Criminalization of Homosexuality, a color-coded, interactive world map, dated April 2012, indicating countries where homosexuality is legal or criminalized by law and punishable with or without the death penalty. The map contains additional features, including regional imposition of the death penalty and specific information on select countries.


What Leaders Say, presents homophobic statements by select political and religious figures around the world.


The Criminalization of HIV Transmission, a color-coded, interactive world map, dated April 2012, indicating countries with laws criminalizing transmission of or exposure to HIV; countries that have prosecuted HIV exposure or transmission under general criminal law; and countries where laws criminalizing HIV exposure have been proposed.


Travel Restrictions on People Living with HIV, a color-coded, interactive world map, dated April 2012, indicating countries that impose restrictions on tourist, work or residency stays by people living with HIV, with detailed information given on select countries.


The fully functional interactive maps can be found on the AIDS Free World website at