Published January, 2015

Model HIV Confidentiality Policies and Procedures for HIV/AIDS Service Providers in New York State, Legal Action Center (2014)

These model HIV Confidentiality Policies and Procedures were developed by the Legal Action Center for health and human service agencies that are required to comply with New York State’s HIV confidentiality law, Article 27-F of the Public Health Law. Under this law, agencies must establish written policies and procedures to maintain the confidentiality of HIV-related records and information.

The document is divided into two parts: the first part offers guidance to assist agencies in identifying the applicable statutory, regulatory and/or contractual provisions requiring them to develop and implement agency-specific HIV confidentiality policies and procedures. The second part contains both instructions for agencies preparing their own HIV confidentiality policies and procedures, and model language for these policies. 

Check the Legal Action Center's How To Create and Update Your Agency's HIV Confidentiality Policies & Procedures and Ensure Staff Compliance (2016) page for updates to this resource.